2024-06-14 02:11:26 +08:00
import mdx from '@astrojs/mdx';
import node from '@astrojs/node';
import { defineConfig, envField } from 'astro/config';
import arraybuffer from 'vite-plugin-arraybuffer';
import { astroImage } from './remark-plugins/images';
// Dynamic switch the site. This is hard coded.
const port = 4321;
const site = import.meta.env.PROD ? 'https://yufan.me' : `http://localhost:${port}`;
// https://astro.build/config
export default defineConfig({
site: site,
output: 'server',
security: {
checkOrigin: true,
experimental: {
env: {
schema: {
POSTGRES_HOST: envField.string({ context: 'server', access: 'secret' }),
POSTGRES_PORT: envField.number({ context: 'server', access: 'secret' }),
POSTGRES_USERNAME: envField.string({ context: 'server', access: 'secret' }),
POSTGRES_PASSWORD: envField.string({ context: 'server', access: 'secret' }),
POSTGRES_DATABASE: envField.string({ context: 'server', access: 'secret' }),
2024-06-17 02:56:39 +08:00
ARTALK_HOST: envField.string({ context: 'server', access: 'secret' }),
2024-06-14 02:11:26 +08:00
integrations: [
remarkPlugins: [astroImage],
adapter: node({
mode: 'standalone',
markdown: {
gfm: true,
shikiConfig: {
theme: 'solarized-light',
wrap: false,
server: {
host: true,
port: port,
devToolbar: {
// I don't need such toolbar.
enabled: false,
vite: {
plugins: [arraybuffer()],
// Add this for avoiding the needless import optimize in Vite.
optimizeDeps: { exclude: ['@napi-rs/canvas'] },