import type { AstroIntegration, AstroIntegrationLogger, RouteData } from 'astro'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import up from 'upyun'; export type UpyunOption = { path: string[]; bucket?: string; operator?: string; password?: string; }; const defaultOption: UpyunOption = { path: ['images'], bucket: process.env.UPYUN_BUCKET, operator: process.env.UPYUN_OPERATOR, password: process.env.UPYUN_PASSWORD, }; export const upyun = (opt: UpyunOption): AstroIntegration => ({ name: 'upyun', hooks: { 'astro:build:done': async ({ dir, logger }: { dir: URL; routes: RouteData[]; logger: AstroIntegrationLogger }) => { const option: UpyunOption = { ...defaultOption, ...opt }; if (typeof option.bucket === 'undefined' || opt.bucket === null) { logger.error('No "bucket" found on your configuration, skip deploying.'); return; } if (typeof option.operator === 'undefined' || opt.operator === null) { logger.error('No "operator" found on your configuration, skip deploying.'); return; } if (typeof option.password === 'undefined' || opt.password === null) { logger.error('No "password" found on your configuration, skip deploying.'); return; } if (option.path.length === 0) { logger.warn('No files need to be upload to upyun. Skip.'); return; } // Create UPYUN Client const service = new up.Service(option.bucket, option.operator, option.password); const client = new up.Client(service); // Upload one by one const staticRootPath = dir.pathname; for (const dir of option.path) {`Start to upload the ${dir} to upyun`); await uploadFile(logger, client, staticRootPath, dir); } }, }, }); const normalizePath = (p: string): string => { return p.includes(path.win32.sep) ? p.split(path.win32.sep).join(path.posix.sep) : p; }; const uploadFile = async (logger: AstroIntegrationLogger, client: up.Client, root: string, current: string) => { const fullPath = path.join(root, current); const isDir = fs.statSync(fullPath).isDirectory(); // Visit file. if (!isDir) { const filePath = normalizePath(current); const res1 = await client.headFile(filePath); if (res1 === false) { // This file need to be uploaded to upyun. // Try Create directory first. const newDir = filePath.substring(0, filePath.lastIndexOf(path.posix.sep)); const res2 = await client.headFile(newDir); if (res2 === false) {`Try to create ${newDir} on upyun`); await client.makeDir(newDir); } // Upload file.`Try to upload file ${filePath} to upyun`); await client.putFile(filePath, fs.readFileSync(fullPath)); } return; } for (const item of fs.readdirSync(fullPath)) { await uploadFile(logger, client, root, path.join(current, item)); } };