import type { AstroIntegration, RouteOptions } from 'astro'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import path from 'node:path'; import url from 'node:url'; import type { Literal, Node, Parent } from 'unist'; import { selectAll } from 'unist-util-select'; import options from '../options'; import { urlJoin } from '../src/helpers/tools'; export const rootImages = (): AstroIntegration => ({ name: 'Root Images', hooks: { 'astro:build:generated': ({ dir }) => { fs.cpSync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'images'), path.join(url.fileURLToPath(dir), 'images'), { recursive: true }); }, }, }); export const openGraph = (): AstroIntegration => ({ name: 'Open Graph Generator', hooks: { 'astro:route:setup': (options: { route: RouteOptions }) => { if (options.route.component === 'src/pages/images/og/[slug].png.ts') { options.route.prerender = process.env.BUILD_OPEN_GRAPH === undefined || process.env.BUILD_OPEN_GRAPH === 'true'; } }, }, }); type LinkNode = Node & { url: string; children?: ImageNode[]; }; type ImageNode = Parent & { url: string; alt: string; name: string; width?: number; height?: number; attributes: (Literal & { name: string })[]; }; export const astroImage = () => { return (tree: Node) => { // Find all the image node. // Find all the image link nodes and replace the relative links. selectAll('image', tree) .map((node) => node as ImageNode) .filter((imageNode) => imageNode.url.startsWith('/')) .map((imageNode) => { imageNode.type = 'mdxJsxFlowElement'; = 'Image'; imageNode.attributes = [ { type: 'mdxJsxAttribute', name: 'alt', value: imageNode.alt }, { type: 'mdxJsxAttribute', name: 'src', value: imageNode.url }, { type: 'mdxJsxAttribute', name: 'width', value: imageNode.width }, { type: 'mdxJsxAttribute', name: 'height', value: imageNode.height }, ]; }); for (const node of selectAll('link', tree)) { const link = node as LinkNode; if (link.children !== undefined && link.children.length !== 0) { const images = link.children.filter((child) => child.type === 'mdxJsxFlowElement' && === 'Image'); if (images.length > 0) { link.url = link.url.startsWith('/') ? urlJoin(options.assetsPrefix(), link.url) : link.url; } } } return tree; }; };