221 lines
6.0 KiB
221 lines
6.0 KiB
import { z } from 'astro/zod';
const isProd = (): boolean => import.meta.env.MODE === 'production' || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
// The type of the options, use zod for better validation.
const Options = z
local: z
port: z.number(),
.transform((local) => ({ ...local, website: `http://localhost:${local.port}` })),
title: z.string().max(40),
website: z
.refine((u) => !u.endsWith('/'))
description: z.string().max(100),
keywords: z.array(z.string()),
author: z.object({ name: z.string(), email: z.string().email(), url: z.string().url() }),
navigation: z.array(z.object({ text: z.string().trim(), link: z.string(), target: z.string().optional() })),
socials: z.array(
name: z.string(),
icon: z.string(),
type: z.enum(['link', 'qrcode']),
title: z.string().optional(),
link: z.string().url(),
settings: z.object({
footer: z.object({
initialYear: z.number().max(2024),
icpNo: z.string().optional(),
moeIcpNo: z.string().optional(),
astroBadge: z.boolean().default(true),
locale: z.string().optional().default('zh-CN'),
timeZone: z.string().optional().default('Asia/Shanghai'),
timeFormat: z.string().optional().default('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'),
twitter: z.string(),
assetPrefix: z
.refine((u) => !u.endsWith('/'))
post: z.object({
sort: z.enum(['asc', 'desc']),
feature: z.array(z.string()).min(3).optional(),
pagination: z.object({
posts: z.number().optional().default(5),
category: z.number().optional().default(7),
tags: z.number().optional().default(7),
search: z.number().optional().default(7),
feed: z.object({
full: z.boolean().optional().default(true),
size: z.number().optional().default(20),
sidebar: z.object({
search: z.boolean().default(false),
post: z.number().default(6),
comment: z.number().default(0),
tag: z.number().default(20),
calendar: z.boolean().default(false),
comments: z.object({
enable: z.boolean().optional().default(true),
size: z.number().default(10).readonly(),
avatar: z.object({
mirror: z.string().url().readonly(),
size: z.number(),
toc: z.object({
minHeadingLevel: z.number().optional().default(2),
maxHeadingLevel: z.number().optional().default(3),
thumbnail: z
.args(z.object({ src: z.string().min(1), width: z.number().or(z.string()), height: z.number().or(z.string()) }))
.transform((opts) => {
const assetsPrefix = (): string => (isProd() ? opts.settings.assetPrefix : opts.local.website);
return {
// Monkey patch for the issue https://github.com/withastro/astro/issues/11282
// No need to fallback to the import.meta.env.PROD I think.
// Given that the import.meta.env.ASSETS_PREFIX has two types.
// I have to use this uniform method instead.
defaultOpenGraph: (): string => `${assetsPrefix()}/images/open-graph.png`,
(options) => options.settings.toc.minHeadingLevel <= options.settings.toc.maxHeadingLevel,
'Invalid toc setting, the minHeadingLevel should bellow the maxHeadingLevel',
const options: z.input<typeof Options> = {
local: {
port: 4321,
title: '且听书吟',
website: 'https://yufan.me',
description: '诗与梦想的远方',
keywords: ['雨帆', '且听书吟', 'syhily', 'amehochan', 'yufan'],
author: {
name: '雨帆',
email: 'syhily@gmail.com',
url: 'https://yufan.me',
navigation: [
text: '首页',
link: '/',
text: '分类',
link: '/categories',
text: '关于',
link: '/about',
text: '留言',
link: '/guestbook',
text: '友链',
link: '/links',
socials: [
name: 'GitHub',
icon: 'icon-github-fill',
type: 'link',
link: 'https://github.com/syhily',
name: '知乎',
icon: 'icon-zhihu-square-fill',
type: 'link',
link: 'https://www.zhihu.com/people/syhily',
name: '微信',
icon: 'icon-wechat',
type: 'qrcode',
title: '扫码加我微信好友',
link: 'https://u.wechat.com/EBpmuKmrVz4YVFnoCJdnruA',
settings: {
footer: {
initialYear: 2011,
icpNo: '皖ICP备2021002315号-2',
moeIcpNo: '萌ICP备20200318号',
astroBadge: true,
locale: 'zh-CN',
timeZone: 'Asia/Shanghai',
timeFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd',
twitter: 'amehochan',
assetPrefix: 'https://cat.yufan.me',
post: {
sort: 'desc',
pagination: {
posts: 6,
category: 7,
tags: 7,
search: 7,
feed: {
full: true,
size: 10,
sidebar: {
search: true,
post: 5,
comment: 5,
tag: 10,
calendar: true,
comments: {
enable: true,
size: 10,
avatar: {
mirror: 'https://weavatar.com/avatar',
size: 120,
toc: {
minHeadingLevel: 2,
maxHeadingLevel: 3,
thumbnail: ({ src, width, height }) => {
if (src.endsWith('.svg')) {
return src;
if (isProd()) {
// Add upyun thumbnail support.
return `${src}!upyun520/both/${width}x${height}/format/webp/quality/100/unsharp/true/progressive/true`;
// See https://docs.astro.build/en/reference/image-service-reference/#local-services
// Remember to add the localhost to you image service settings.
return `http://localhost:4321/_image?href=${src}&w=${width}&h=${height}&f=webp&q=100`;
export default Options.parse(options);