* style: better reply button. * feat: add astro badge. * chore: drop useless styles. * feat: use new options.ts for global configuration. * fix: the invalid import.meta.env.PROD in astro build. * feat: move og to new assert prefix. * chore: add better og description. * chore: make sure all the images link could be correctly replaced. * feat: add upyun uploader.
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107 lines
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import { imageMetadata } from '@/helpers/images';
import { urlJoin } from '@/helpers/tools';
import options from '@/options';
import { defineCollection, z } from 'astro:content';
export const defaultCover = '/images/default-cover.jpg';
// Copied and modified from https://github.com/zce/velite/blob/main/src/schemas/slug.ts
// The slug is internally supported by Astro with 'content' type.
// We add the slug here for validating the YAML configuration.
const slug = () =>
.regex(/^[a-z0-9]+(?:-[a-z0-9]+)*$/i, 'Invalid slug');
const image = (fallbackImage: string) =>
.transform(async (arg) => await imageMetadata(arg));
// Categories Collection
const categoriesCollection = defineCollection({
type: 'data',
schema: z.object({
name: z.string().max(20),
slug: slug(),
cover: image(defaultCover),
description: z.string().max(999).optional(),
// Friends Collection
const friendsCollection = defineCollection({
type: 'data',
schema: z.array(
website: z.string().max(40),
description: z.string().optional(),
homepage: z.string().url(),
poster: z
.transform((poster) => (poster.startsWith('/') ? urlJoin(options.assetsPrefix(), poster) : poster)),
favicon: z.string().optional(),
.transform((data) => {
if (data.favicon === undefined) {
data.favicon = `${data.homepage}/favicon.ico`;
return data;
// Posts Collection
const postsCollection = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: z.object({
title: z.string().max(99),
date: z.date(),
updated: z.date().optional(),
comments: z.boolean().optional().default(true),
tags: z.array(z.string()).optional().default([]),
category: z.string(),
summary: z.string().optional().default(''),
cover: image(defaultCover),
published: z.boolean().optional().default(true),
// Pages Collection
const pagesCollection = defineCollection({
type: 'content',
schema: z.object({
title: z.string().max(99),
date: z.date(),
updated: z.date().optional(),
comments: z.boolean().optional().default(true),
cover: image(defaultCover),
published: z.boolean().optional().default(true),
friend: z.boolean().optional().default(false),
// Tags Collection
const tagsCollection = defineCollection({
type: 'data',
schema: z.array(
name: z.string().max(20),
slug: slug(),
export const collections = {
categories: categoriesCollection,
friends: friendsCollection,
pages: pagesCollection,
posts: postsCollection,
tags: tagsCollection,