176 lines
4.8 KiB
176 lines
4.8 KiB
* Generate the open graph.
* It's highly inspired by the code from https://github.com/yuaanlin/yual.in/blob/main/pages/og_image/%5Bslug%5D.tsx
* The original open source code don't have any license.
* But I have get the approvement to use them here by asking the author https://twitter.com/yuaanlin.
import { openGraphHeight, openGraphWidth } from '@/helpers/images';
import { options } from '@/helpers/schema';
import { Canvas, GlobalFonts, Image, type SKRSContext2D } from '@napi-rs/canvas';
import { readFile } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { join } from 'node:path';
import font from '../asserts/og/NotoSansSC-Bold.ttf?arraybuffer';
import logoDark from '../asserts/og/logo-dark.png?arraybuffer';
const getStringWidth = (text: string, fontSize: number) => {
let result = 0;
for (let idx = 0; idx < text.length; idx++) {
if (text.charCodeAt(idx) > 255) {
result += fontSize;
} else {
result += fontSize * 0.5;
return result;
// Print text on SKRSContext with wrapping
const printAt = (
context: SKRSContext2D,
text: string,
x: number,
y: number,
lineHeight: number,
fitWidth: number,
fontSize: number,
) => {
// Avoid invalid fitWidth.
const width = fitWidth || 0;
if (width <= 0) {
context.fillText(text, x, y);
for (let idx = 1; idx <= text.length; idx++) {
const str = text.substring(0, idx);
if (getStringWidth(str, fontSize) > width) {
context.fillText(text.substring(0, idx - 1), x, y);
printAt(context, text.substring(idx - 1), x, y + lineHeight, lineHeight, width, fontSize);
context.fillText(text, x, y);
// Modified snippet from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21961839/simulation-background-size-cover-in-canvas
const drawImageProp = (
ctx: SKRSContext2D,
img: Image,
x: number,
y: number,
w: number,
h: number,
offsetX: number,
offsetY: number,
) => {
// keep bounds [0.0, 1.0]
let ox = offsetX;
if (offsetX < 0) ox = 0;
if (offsetX > 1) ox = 1;
let oy = offsetY;
if (offsetY < 0) oy = 0;
if (offsetY > 1) oy = 1;
const iw = img.width;
const ih = img.height;
const r = Math.min(w / iw, h / ih);
// new prop.width
let nw = iw * r;
// new prop.height
let nh = ih * r;
let ar = 1;
// decide which gap to fill
if (nw < w) ar = w / nw;
if (Math.abs(ar - 1) < 1e-14 && nh < h) ar = h / nh; // updated
nw *= ar;
nh *= ar;
// calc source rectangle
let cw = iw / (nw / w);
let ch = ih / (nh / h);
let cx = (iw - cw) * ox;
let cy = (ih - ch) * oy;
// make sure source rectangle is valid
if (cx < 0) cx = 0;
if (cy < 0) cy = 0;
if (cw > iw) cw = iw;
if (ch > ih) ch = ih;
// fill image in dest. rectangle
ctx.drawImage(img, cx, cy, cw, ch, x, y, w, h);
const fetchCover = async (cover: string): Promise<Buffer> => {
if (cover.startsWith('http')) {
return Buffer.from(await (await fetch(cover)).arrayBuffer());
const coverPath = join(process.cwd(), 'public', cover);
return await readFile(coverPath);
export { default as defaultOpenGraph } from '../asserts/og/open-graph.png?arraybuffer';
export interface OpenGraphProps {
title: string;
summary: string;
cover: string;
export const drawOpenGraph = async ({ title, summary, cover }: OpenGraphProps) => {
// Register the font if it doesn't exist
if (!GlobalFonts.has('NotoSansSC-Bold')) {
const fontBuffer = Buffer.from(font);
GlobalFonts.register(fontBuffer, 'NotoSansSC-Bold');
// Fetch the cover image as the background
const coverImage = new Image();
coverImage.src = await fetchCover(cover);
// Generate the logo image
const logoImage = new Image();
logoImage.src = Buffer.from(logoDark);
// Mark sure the summary length is small enough to fit in
const description = `${summary
.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '')
.slice(0, 80)
.trim()} ...`;
// Start drawing the open graph
const canvas = new Canvas(openGraphWidth, openGraphHeight);
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
drawImageProp(ctx, coverImage, 0, 0, openGraphWidth, openGraphHeight, 0.5, 0.5);
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, openGraphWidth, openGraphHeight);
// Add website title
ctx.fillStyle = '#e0c2bb';
ctx.font = '800 64px NotoSansSC-Bold';
printAt(ctx, options.title, 96, 180, 96, openGraphWidth, 64);
// Add website logo
ctx.drawImage(logoImage, 940, 120, 160, 160);
// Add article title
ctx.fillStyle = '#fff';
ctx.font = '800 48px NotoSansSC-Bold';
printAt(ctx, title, 96, openGraphHeight / 2 - 64, 96, openGraphWidth - 192, 64);
// Add article summary
ctx.font = '800 36px NotoSansSC-Bold';
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)';
printAt(ctx, description, 96, openGraphHeight - 200, 48, openGraphWidth - 192, 36);
return await canvas.encode('png');